Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm homeless!

As of yesterday at noon, I officially have no home address!  My father came up from North Carolina with the van, and we loaded everything in.  It all fit, which means the campaign to get rid of stuff has been successful.  I wonder if my neighbors will miss the daily additions to the "Free" box?  Dad and I are now staying with my grandparents.  Since I'm still going to work everyday, I'm definitely freeloading.  Dad, on the other hand, is earning his keep.  Besides driving 800 miles to haul his wandering daughter's stuff across the country, he's already started replacing the gutters and fixed two lawn mowers for his in-laws.  And who knows what's happened today while I've been in my air-conditioned office... 

My brothers have named my adventure "Moochfest 2010", and since I'm now staying with my grandparents (and eating their food) while I complete my final week of gainful employment, the mooching has officially begun.

I've found it surprisely complicated to stop being a responsible adult.  I've had to find alternate health insurance.  Then there is the sticky problem of mail.  What's my address now?  I thought I could wait a few days to decide what to do, but of course, yesterday after turning in my keys, I went to work and was asked to fill out some end-of-employment forms.  Permanent address?  Current address?  I panicked and put in my grandparents' address.  Guess that decision is made now... 

I'm down to two more days at work.  I've been so busy that it doesn't quite seem real yet.  Today I cleaned out my office and handed all case folders over to other people.  Tomorrow I'll sort through the electronic mess of my work computer and try to organize and distribute that as well.  I'm very excited about my trip, but will definitely miss my office.  I feel very tied to all the projects - they are MY projects, and it's hard to give them up, especially for the areas where I have very strong opinions about what step is next (particularly if that next step would involve me doing fun math).  But they'll survive without me, and I'm sure I'll find new things to calculate and test... and right now the road is calling! 

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