Saturday, August 6, 2011

I live in Virginia!

Life update - I returned from Germany (and have lots of pictures and places that I saw, and I guess at this point I should just admit that I'm not going to post them - at least not yet). And I took a job in Blacksburg, Virginia, home of the Virginia Tech Hokies! I guess my wandering phase is officially over!

In the two months between leaving Berlin (in early April) and starting my job (June 1st), I finally did all that thinking about life that I was supposed to be doing during my wanderings. I guess a better way to put it is that I let all my subconscious wandering-thinkings bubble up to the surface - I feel like the decision to move back to the Blue Ridge Mountains had already been made, I just needed to find a way to make it happen and give myself some concrete options. I came to a point where I had several potential jobs in front of me, one in Virginia and the rest in San Francisco. My brothers listened to my rambles, Barney let me mooch as much as I needed, Mom showed me how to make cherry jam, and Dad put me on a tractor to bale hay while I thought. I realised that while San Fran will always have jobs, right now this area, with its rolling mountains, hot summers, and hayfields, is where I want to be.