Saturday, September 10, 2016

Month 7!

It's been another month with no big trips, but still lots of exciting things happening here in Blacksburg!  

Now that she's 6 months old, Anna's hair has gotten so long that we put it in a pig-tail on top of her head to keep it out of her eyes. 

Virginia Tech's art center brought a really neat sculpture to campus.  It's a giant inflatable castle with multiple rooms that you can explore.  It's not a bouncy-house, but similar.  Notice the red, green, and blue towers.

Here we are in the yellow entrance 

And here's Anna in the red area.
 Then Green

 And Blue

 We also went swimming at the lake.  Anna had a good time playing in the water.

And she got to hang out with her buddy Lyle.

We also put her on a swing for the first time. It's hard to stay upright, especially when all you want to do is chew on the swing.

And of course, Anna has been eating a lot more solid foods. Here she is before lunch, in her Robot shirt.

And after some fruit smoothy...

How about some yogurt?

Finally, Anna's cousin Amy came to visit.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

Six months!

Anna is half a year old!

Anna's sixth month

This month was a little quieter - no big trips.  We did take Anna on a few hikes.  She's finally getting big enough to ride in the backpack.  Here we are with our friend Anne at Falls Ridge, a neat area with a limestone cave and a stream full of calcium deposits.  

Here's Anna sleeping in her crib.  She moves around a lot now, and seems to like to have her feet on the bars.

Anna is also getting better at sitting up.  So with a little help, she's able to sit in her high chair...

 And Eat!  Here's her first experience with oatmeal.

Sitting up also makes it easier for Anna to watch her favorite friend - The General!  He still likes to spend time with her, but likes to stay just out of reach...